Running Questions and Answers a.k.a. Get to Know Me Better

I’m following up on an idea from a blog post by TracyNicole at The Writing Runner. I have borrowed some of her questions and included some of my own as well, so thanks TracyNicole!

I know some of you have been following my blog for a while, and others may be new followers or maybe you just stumbled upon my blog and haven’t read a single other post by me. Regardless where you fall into those cases, I’m quite sure I’ve never addressed the questions I’m going to put here. So, I’m providing a bit of an insight into myself and encourage you guys to post comments about some or all of the questions that follow. It’s meant to be purely for fun, so let’s go!

When did you start running?

I ran on the track team in grade school for two years, fifth and sixth grade. I still remember running with some of my team mates on days so cold it made my lungs ache but I loved the feeling I got when I ran and pushed my body hard. When I started junior high school I decided not to run in school but just ran for fun on my own. I also didn’t run on the high school team but continued to run when I felt like it and this went on throughout college until I developed shin splints. After taking a few years off of running, I ran my first race as an adult when I finished graduate school and haven’t stopped since.

Not my first race by any means but I always liked this race photo for some reason

What do you consider to be the hardest distance to train for and/or race?

Hands-down the marathon is the hardest distance to train for. When I was training for the one and only marathon I ran, the Long Beach Marathon, I felt like the time it took to train was like having a part-time job. I was also injured with what seemed like one thing after another. Back then, I really had no idea what I was doing when it came to training for a marathon. I just followed some training plan I found online but I knew nothing really when it came to proper fueling, stretching, cross-training, or any of the other things that go along with long-distance running, even though I had run at least a few half marathons by that point.

I think the hardest distance to race is the 5k. The distance is just long enough that you can’t run all-out for the entire race but you can’t warm-up into it and speed up later like you can in a longer race like a half marathon. The 5k is an intimidating distance to me, even though I’ve run 46 half marathons, a marathon, a 10k, 15k, and 10 miler. I would rather race any of those other distances than a 5k.

Describe some of your favorite race courses.

One of my favorite races ever is the Spearfish Canyon Half Marathon in South Dakota. This course was downhill through a beautiful canyon surrounded by trees with water views along the way. I loved every second of the race. Not surprisingly, this was also my fastest half marathon to date. I also think the course for the Famous Potato Half Marathon in Idaho is one of my favorites. Similar to the race in South Dakota, this race in Idaho also began in a canyon and had several water views along the way. Apparently I really enjoy running races through canyons. That being said, I’m pretty sure I don’t want to run the Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim and not in a million years the Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim.

This photo from the race start of Spearfish Canyon Half Marathon doesn’t do it justice

Are/Were either of your parents runners or active in other sports?

Absolutely not. Both of my parents weren’t even the slightest bit interested in sports of any kind. My mom couldn’t and still can’t ride a bike or swim and never even went on regular walks. My dad had a physically demanding job with odd hours so when he was home (before my parents got divorced anyway), he was often sleeping or working on his car or tinkering on things around the house. I didn’t inherit the running bug from either of them!

What is one weird/unusual thing you do as a runner that most other runners don’t?

I’d rather run outside in the early evening during the summer when it’s 90 degrees than get up early to run before work even though it would be 20 degrees cooler. In other words, I’ll run in 90 degree weather over 70 degree weather if it means I don’t have to get up early. Crazy? Probably.

Do you have a bucket-list race?

Not really. Sort-of I guess. Since I’m only running half marathons in the US now (only 6 more states to go!), I’m pretty limited with my choices now to make sure I finish all 50 states. Once I’m done with all 50 states, I would like to run Seawheeze in Vancouver. I’ve been dying to go to Vancouver, I hear this is a fun race, and I love racecations, so I think this one would fit the bill perfectly.

What about you guys? Let me know some interesting running info about you! Feel free to answer some or all of the questions I’ve posted here.

Happy running!






Author: runningtotravel

I'm a long distance runner with a goal of running a half marathon in all 50 states in the US, which I completed in 2021. I also love to travel so I travel to other places when I'm not running races. Half the fun is planning where I'm going to go next!

23 thoughts on “Running Questions and Answers a.k.a. Get to Know Me Better”

  1. I have to force myself to run. Since I do duathlons and trithlons, I kind of have to. (Then again, I rarely swim laps.) Fifty degrees is my ideal temp. Oh, and I gotta get running (and all exercise, really) out of the way early. If I don’t do it in the morning, it’s probably not going to happen at all. Thanks for sharing your Q & A!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow I WISH we had track in elementary and middle school! I always played other sports for the running then finally in HS they offered it as it’s own sport. Also do you have a post/list of recommended races for each state? Having read some of your race reviews I feel like we have similar taste in races (beautiful nature/water views) and I would like to run all 50 eventually so I’d be interested to hear a list of ones you’d definitely recommend for completing that!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t have a list of recommended races for each state, but that would be a good project for me to work on. Some of the races I ran no longer exist but I know other runners who have run races in at least some of those states. Hmmmm. Definitely something for me to think about!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Even if it wasn’t a complete list and just had the states you ran races you’d highly recommend in. I think it would be really interesting since I (and I’m assuming others) have no idea what races are good in most states outside my area.

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    1. Thanks! I’m tempted to somehow sneak one or two extra in this year so I’ll be that much closer to finishing, but logistically I don’t think that’s possible even if I could afford it! When you’re down to the final ones it becomes harder and harder to plan.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Oh, you ran the Spearfish half!!! I want to do that race probably more than any other one. I did the all-women full marathon there (Leading Ladies) with 4 of my friends. It was the best marathon ever. So beautiful and so much fun. I would love to share the place with my hubby.

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    1. Yes and I highly recommend that race! It’s a low-key race without all the frills but running through the canyon was so much fun to me. Of course there are so many things to see after the race, too, which just added to the appeal to run that one for me. You and your husband would love it, I think.

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  4. Glad I could inspire a fun post for you and to learn more about you as a runner as well! I know you already know some of my answers so I’ll just respond to what new questions you asked. Neither of my parents were athletes in school. I know my mom twirled baton a few years when she was younger, but neither were on actual school teams for anything. My dad didn’t take up running until I joined the cross country team in high school. He didn’t want me running rural routes along and at that time found out how high his cholesterol/triglycerides were (bad genetics from his parents) so it worked out well to run with me and improve his health at the same time. My mom likes to dance around the house and sometimes walk on the treadmill, but doesn’t commit to a truly active lifestyle or consistent workouts. As far as a bucket list race I would like to run the Ocean City half marathon some year, but the problem is it always falls the day after our school hosts a huge track invitational that I would feel guilty not helping with. I’ve also toyed with the idea of a Disney World half marathon but I’ve read stories of people getting up at 3-4am and waiting forever in huge corrals to run, and I’m not sure I’d be a fan of that.

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    1. It sounds like you’ve got a great dad. I don’t think most dads would take up running so they could run with their daughter on rural roads. I remember you saying how he runs races with you now, right? That’s great that he’s still running! I know what you mean about getting up so early for the Disney races. I’ve never run one and at this point almost definitely will never. I know a lot of people run them and love them, though!

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      1. Yep my dad and I ran our first 5k together May 2003 and it’s the only race I’ve ever beaten him in. He’s actually completed 3 marathons. I do a lot more cross training/recovery type workouts like yoga, but he sticks to running and always seems to stay faster/stronger than me. We ran together this morning with a friend and we’re all hoping to run a half marathon together in May.

        I feel like if I ever run a Disney one it’ll be more for the experience/fun vs running it as an actual race. I would probably stop to take pictures with characters as it seems a lot of people do that, and that might make it not quite as bad getting up so early. Someday… maybe… cost is another consideration, Disney is so expensive!

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  5. I enjoyed learning a little more about your running! I can tell why you’d rather run in the afternoon in warmer weather than wake up early. For me it depends on how I’m feeling on a given day. And I agree about the 5k! One has to dig so deep and run so hard… I’d rather just force myself to get through the last miles of a marathon 🙂 And the stride on that favorite race photo is so perfect. That may be one of the reasons you like it?

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  6. I’m a sprinter, not a distance runner. It use to be mentally challenging to motivate myself to run sprints. Now I like it. It’s invigorating to run all out. I feel like I’m really alive. I appreciate the physical experience and just being in my body.

    I’m not sure what the difference is 100%, but I do know sprinting is not as hard now as it was in the beginning. I’ve hardened my body and increased my tolerance of the pain/discomfort of going all out. That makes the experience much easier to enjoy.

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  7. Haha I am the opposite — I rather run super early before work to beat the heat (especially if it’s 90-degree heat… omg, so hot!) And actually, I prefer doing this even in the winter when it’s warmer in the evening. I love 5 a.m. runs, even when it’s 30 degrees out. There’s something about that time that’s just peaceful to me. Waking up is really hard though. I have this battle with myself every morning. Lol. That race in Vancouver looks fun. That’s a city I would love to visit, too. I hear it’s beautiful, with a lot of great places to eat! The Big Sur International Marathon is on my bucket list — mainly for the views. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know what you mean about it being peaceful first thing in the morning. On the rare occasions I have gotten up early to run I’ve noticed how quiet it is and I really liked that. Big Sur Marathon is a great bucket list race. I’d love to go to Big Sur for about a week and hike around the area. It looks absolutely gorgeous there.

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